Be Safe, Be Fearless

Is dowry a form of a gift? Or is it the father’s way of helping the newly wed couple? When and how often are the demands for dowry made? Are you fed up of the direct or indirect demands? This form of harassment has driven many women to despair, anger and even suicide. There are many who do not know what to do, who to speak to and what options are open to them.

Twenty four year old Preeti’s story is a common and unfortunate one:
“Rajeev always said that it’s me he loves the most. Nothing could come in way of us being together forever. During the talks of our marriage, when his mother asked my dad to gift Rajeev a flat, Rajeev supported it saying its just one more step towards our togetherness. My first mistake was that I believed him. My second mistake: I did not stop my dad. My third mistake: I thought the demands would stop after marriage. I tried to kill myself, after my mother in law asked me to hand over my jewellery… “

If you have been subjected to dowry harassment in any form, don’t think you are alone . There might be many questions in your mind, which we will try and answer. You can find out what rights have been given to you or take recourse through law . You can also go to the police to lodge a complaint. Don’t be a martyr, stand up and take action.