Be Safe, Be Fearless

Resources Directory for Meghalaya

The addresses, services, phone numbers of support organizations and govt. officials in Meghalaya have been compiled from numerous different sources. Some of the phones or addresses might have changed and new organizations may have come up. We hope that women’s groups and others will send us information. We will keep updating them.

The listing has been arranged according to the city or town which is followed by categories of organizations. For example, if you want a list of organizations in Khasi Hills, then first click on the name of the city or town [given below]. It will take you to another page, which will have a list of organizations separated by the services mentioned below:

Counseling Centres
Legal Aid
Short stay homes / women’s hostels
Skills Training


East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya

Counseling Centre Bosco Reach out – Family Counseling Centres
Address: Don Bosco, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003.
Phone: 0364-226204(o), 2534502 (r)
Contact Person: Sherry West
Days and Time: Daily except Sundays and 2nd and 4th Saturdays

Family Counseling Centers – Main Thana
Address: Main Thana Compound, Jail Road, Shillong- 793001
Phone: 0364-2224513
Contact Person: Jeanne West
Days and time: Daily from 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m
Fees: Free of cost

Kripa Counseling, De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre
Address: 29, Old Jowai Road, Lower Lachaumiere, Shillong – 793003
Phone: 0364- 2229276
Contact Person: Fr. Joseph Topno, Project Director
Duration of Time: Daily
Fees: Free
Type of Trainings provided: In-house Training

New Hope Centre
Address: K.J.P Synod Guest House, Barik, Shillong 793001.
Phone Number: 0364-2225788.
Person in Charge: Mrs. C. Laloo.
Days and Time: Daily 10.00am to 4.00pm daily.
Fees: Free of Cost
Open to: Anyone who needs services or counseling.

Counseling and Drop-In Centre
Impulse NGO Network
Address: Lower Lachumiere, Near Horse Shoe Building, Shillong 793001, Meghalaya
Phone: 0364-500587/503140
Fax: 0364-229939
Person in charge: Ms. Hasina Kharbhih, President
Open to: children up to the age of 18 years
Duration of stay: Emergency, two or three days. But networking is provided for stay up to 3 months
Fees: No fees

Skill Training
Ramakrishna Mission Ashram

Address: Cherrapunjee, P.O Cherra Bazar 793111, Dist. East Khasi Hill, Meghalaya
Phone: (03637) 35242/35202
Person in Charge: Swami Nityamuktananda, Secretary.
Fees: Free training costs and free accommodation for 35 trainees. Stipend is provided.
Types of trainings provided: Weaving, Tailoring, and knitting

Legal Aid
Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority formed in 1998,
Address: W. Khyllep. Additional Deputy Commissioner East Khasi Hills District Council, Shillong 793001.
Phone: 0364-2225003 (O)
The Meghalaya State Legal Services

Authority, Additional Secretariat Mattei Building, Ground Floor, Shillong 793001
Chairman: Justice T.C Das
Secretary: W.S Mawlong (Ex. D.C of Jowai)
Joint Secretary: W.Khyllep. (Additional Deputy Commissioner, East Khasi Hills)


West Khasi Hills District

Skill Training
Western Cultural and Socio Welfare Association
Address: Western Cultural and Socio Welfare Association New Nongstoin, P.O. Nongstoin –793119 West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya


RI-Bhoi District

Skill Training
RAWA Vocational Training Centres at Sohriewblei and Kyrdem Villages of Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya
Address: RAWA Vocational training Centres, Sohriewblei, Umsning 793105,Ri-Bhoi District,Meghalaya.
RAWA Vocational training, Kyrdem Village, Umsning 793105, Ri- Bhoi District, meghalaya.
Person in Charge: Mr. B.Ranee, President
How it is funded: Sponsored by the Social Welfare Board, Govt. of Meghalaya
Fees: Free of charge and at the same time gets a stipend of Rs. 250/- per month
Types of trainings provided: Tailoring and Embroidery
Duration of the days of training: Daily from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. in Umsning and twice a week in Sohriewblei and Kyrdem Village from 10:30am to 3:30pm


Jaintia Hills District

Drop-In Centre
Mar Chaphrang Development Society Drop-in Centre

Address: Mar Chaphrang Development Society, Mission Compound, Jowai Jaintia Hills District.
Phone Number: 03652-24277®/03652-23459.
Person in Charge: Mr. Terence Sawian
Days and time: Daily from 1p.m – 5p.m
Fees: Free of cost


West Garo Hills – TURA

Skill Training
District Handloom Training Centre

Address: District Handloom Training Centre, Hawakhana, Tura-794002, West Garo Hills,
Phone Number: 03651-222306.
Person in Charge: Mrs. B. Marak
Time and no. of the days of Training: Daily
Duration of Time: 1 year
Fees: Free of cost with a stipend of Rs.150 per month

Training Centre for Self-Employment of Women in Need of Care and Protection
Address: New Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya, 794001.
Phone Number: 03651-42028.
Person in Charge: The Superintendent
Qualification required for Admission: Those who know how to write and read.
Duration of Time: 1 year
No. of days of the training: Daily 10A.M. to 4.00 P.M.
Fees: Free of cost and a stipend offered Rs. 500/- per month

St. Xavier’s Societies of Christ Jesus
Address: St. Xavier’s Societies of Christ Jesus. Balagame, Rongran Block,
Tura, West Garo Hills, Meghalaya
Phone Number: 03651-22407.
Person in Charge: Sr. Veronica
Timings: 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Duration of Time: 1year to 2 year maximum
Fees: Free of cost


East Garo Hills District- Williamnagar

Shelter Home
Young Women’s Christian Association, YWCA

Address: Young Women’s Christian Association, East Garo Hills, William NagaMeghalaya
Person in Charge: Secretary and President of the YWCA, William Nagar
Open to: To people within William Nagar but consideration is given to others in exceptional cases.
Duration of Stay: only 1 night or 2 night’s maximum, depending on the nature of the case.
Fees: Rs. 20/- per night

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